maandag 8 december 2008

Jazz pianoTracks community for musicians and artists

Dear musicians & artists,

I am happy to introduce you to the JazzpianoTracks Art & Music community. A community for musicians of all major music styles, painters, photographers, poets, writers and more. Create and modify your own profile page, upload your media, make friends and start having your network online.
You have 20 MB webspace at your disposal for free. For a small amount yearly, you will have the possibility to buy more webspace. (see the registration page)

The community is in progress, so still more modifications will be made the coming time to make the site better. If you have suggestions please mail them to me. (admin)
The site can be viewed in English and Dutch language. (I am still working on the completion of the DUTCH translation). You can choose the language when you make your registration. Each seperate media file, that you upload, cannot be bigger than 10MB.

I hope you will enjoy this community and will have a great benefit of it. Click the following link to go to the site:

Pass this email to all your music friends and musicians and artists you know.

Add a banner link to your website! When you own a website please insert the following html code (between the lines) in one of your pages (banner size is 374x80pixels):

Join the JazzpianoTracks ART & MUSIC community and start meeting other artists

See you at the JazzpianoTracks Art & Music community!

Kind regards,

Ray Nicovs | JazzpianoTracks